What is the SE63 training/workshop about?
SAP delivers the system with a built-in translation environment available through the SE63 transaction. Companies running SAP systems and having internal resources to perform translation tasks may need training in how to set up and use this standard system translation environment. Invested time returns in improved quality and in a smooth workflow. In the long run, the usage of the SE63 translation environment enables better planning, performing and maintaining of localization tasks both from the linguistic and the technical aspect. MorphoLogic Translation Services offers individual on-site trainings and workshops tailored to the needs of your company to get familiar with the features of the standard translation environment, the administration of the environment, and the handling of the translation tools.
Who can benefit from SE63 trainings/workshops?
SAP customers and development partners who want to run system translation projects and have internal project managers and/or translator resources.
What are the benefits of the SE63 training/workshop?
Choosing the correct technical settings for a target language and the initial setup is only the first step of the whole translation process. To utilize all features of SE63, translation-related processes are just as important as proper setup. Just one example: there are hundreds of object types in the system. Selecting the object types is technically not complicated, but it requires knowledge and experience in order to properly assess what object types are really relevant for a particular target language. Choosing too many object types results in unnecessary efforts, choosing too few in incomplete screens. In the frame of SE63 trainings/workshops, we give our customers the practical knowledge on how to get the maximum out of the SE63 translation environment and how to avoid the typical pitfalls.